We are living in an era of immediate information, filled with endless justification, never-ending opportunities for learning, and the ability to obtain numerous different viewpoints at our hands. Why then, once the knowledge we search could be acquired on videos, forums, or blogs like this one, do we pack our cases, kiss our own families goodbye, spend hours waiting in airport security lines, actually flip down compensated job, to attend business events all around the world?
Because we are social creatures, drawn to experiential learning and conditioned to find some sort of community, there is an intangible benefit to being present which goes far beyond the conventional morning keynote, sub-par coffee, and revived slide decks. The advantages of networking inside your specialism are evident, but past the company cards, even the most meticulous interaction with individuals who share your enthusiasm may have the most amazing and lasting impact on your motivation.
As we are at the beginning of 2019 and all the potential it holds, here is a brief round-up of eight conferences held last year to help refresh your memory, give you an insight of what to expect this year, and hopefully also assist you to recall why you’ve got yourself into this industry. The ones in this list are held all around the world, but if you find the main idea from some of the conferences mentioned here interesting you might be able to find a similar one from the many conference venues available in Melbourne.
1. UX From The Town
People who are searching for a practical and community-oriented UX degree up should think about a visit to Manchester this spring. UX At The City is a part of a well-established series of honored UX events and provides an extremely varied module. Their distinctive schedule avoids stagnation using a really multi-track format, mixing case analysis sessions together with keynotes, active problem solving, lightning discussions, experience reports, and a whole lot more. This variety, coupled with a strong emphasis on media opportunities, makes UX From Your City a wonderful solution for anyone looking for new skills and better connections in the UX community. They also provide IT consulting services at the conference, you know, just in case you would need one.
Presents: March 15-16
Location: Manchester, UK
Cost : $450
2. Perf Matters Conference
If you are feeling the need for speed, #PerfMatters might be the function that has you motoring. Its highly seasoned and varied line-up of business specialists is ready to help place your bloated sites on a daily diet, with just two weeks of front-end performance-based talks. For those looking for a deeper dip, there is also optional additional web design and IT support solutions workshop afternoon, to actually put you through your paces and receive your advancement motoring.
Presents: March 27-28
Location: Redwood City, USA
Cost : $479
3. Unite
Our yearly conference celebrates our shared achievements and looks forward towards the future of this Shopify online shopping platform. It is a testament to this event’s enormous influence through the years that we are almost fully booked, but if you are part of our partner program, then do not be afraid to add your name to it. With big platform statements from the Shopify team, exclusive insider insights, and unbelievable networking opportunities, give yourself every opportunity to book a chair at this popular event.
Presents: May 7-9
Location: Toronto, Canada
Cost: Sold out—subscribe to updates on how you can participate remotely
4. CSSConf EU
Among the market conventions that have been gaining in popularity, CSSConf EU is a non-profit venture run by a group of committed volunteers that are active inside the local tech community and operate or contribute to different free meetups, workshops, and instruction initiatives. Do not expect an unprofessional affair; this event sells out every year with great reason. The curators understand custom website development inside out, reserving the very best of the best businesses from the industry to come to share their knowledge. Besides this fire for CSS, there is a strong emphasis on a welcoming and, most importantly, inclusive culture.
Presents: June 1
Location: Berlin, Germany
Cost : $860
5. World Domination Summit
Entering its eighth successive year, WDS is resolute in its mission to make a remarkable community that helps each individual pursue a major goal. And as you may expect from an occasion working below a branding that revolves around world domination, this is a fantastically ambitious program. Main event keynotes and parties have been paired with optional assignments, academies and fulfill ups—facilitating infinite customization to assist each attendee with their response to the central issue of this event: “How can we live a life that is remarkable, in the modern sense?”
Dates: June 26-July two
Location: Portland, USA
Cost : $697
6. Hopscotch Design Festival
An economical and future-oriented event in North Carolina, this festival takes its title from the multi-venue format, together with attendees going to and fro from event to event. Amassing more than 40 speakers, there is an abundance of expertise and choices available, having a solid focus on creative businesses, design, and art, in addition to tech. What makes Hopscotch a very exciting prospect is the sister event, Hopscotch Music Festival, which runs simultaneously each evening and showcases over 125 bands. Believe SXSW with no scale and associated pressures! Attracting the old and the young alike, this event is particularly large and usually occupies large venues as big as the Docklands stadium in Melbourne.
Presents: Sept. 6-7
Location: Raleigh, USA
Cost : $200
7. Cusp Conference
In a world where everybody is striving for specialism and experience, it can be unbelievably refreshing—and more rewarding—to zoom out and love the wider, larger image. An excellent solution for anyone feeling jaded, pigeonholed, or within a creative rut, Cusp Conference is all about the inspiration. This diverse program motivates you to have a wide angle lens for your formerly held preconceptions, practices, and beliefs surrounding the creative industry and website design, and with the goal of challenging all the factors that make you believe, function, and socialize within your specific creative area forever.
Presents: Oct. 24-25
Location: Chicago, USA
Cost : $550